Bresaola Gran Fesa

Bresaola Gran Fesa Bresaola Gran Fesa Bresaola punta d'anca Gran Fesa is our bresaola with the largest sizing and caliber. It is made from the punta d’anca cut of fine bovine breeds like Charolaise and Limousine, it is processed and aged in respect of Rigamonti’s [...]

Bresaola Gran Fesa2021-03-26T15:53:20+01:00


Brisaola Brisaola Francesco Rigamonti Brisaola is not pressed nor bagged but simply hung to preserve its original shape and become tender and delicate to the palate. It is the best result of our experience in meat processing and aging. It enshrines all the passion we have for this [...]


Bresaola Black Angus

Bresaola Black Angus Bresaola Black Angus Bresaola Rigamonti Black Angus is a specialty produced with the finest meat obtained from one of the oldest and finest cows of Scottish origin. Unique in its genre, and the fruit of a brilliant intuition of Rigamonti, it is ideal for true [...]

Bresaola Black Angus2021-03-26T16:16:45+01:00

Bresaola di Equino

Bresaola di Equino Bresaola di Equino Obtained solely from the best cuts of selected horse’s hindquarters, this bresaola is an incredibly tender, sweet-tasting, lightly flavoured meat. It has excellent nutritional characteristics: bresaola of horse meat is rich in iron, noble proteins and group B vitamins, ideal for sportspeople. [...]

Bresaola di Equino2021-03-26T16:22:29+01:00

Carpaccio di Bresaola

Carpaccio di Bresaola Carpaccio di Bresaola The surprising pleasure of a tasty alternative, Carpaccio of Bresaola Rigamonti is prepared with the heart of beef topside, masterfully flavoured, delicately massaged and seasoned slightly in the crisp cool air of our alpine valleys. It contains only 2% fat and is [...]

Carpaccio di Bresaola2021-03-26T16:24:23+01:00
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